Fundamental Analysis of Kalinchowk Darshan ltd

We have detail information of the Fundamental Analysis of Kalinchowk Darshan ltd. The company has recently published IPO to general public and is now trading in Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE). It falls in Hotel and Tourism category.

Fundamental Analysis of Kalinchowk Darshan ltd

About Company

Kalinchowk Darshan Limited (KDL) is a cable car company located at Kalinchowk, Kuri Village. It lies at an altitude of 3842m from sea level. It offers a stunning view of Mt Gaurishankar, Jugal, Annapurna range and Mt Everest. The cable car helps people to reach Kalinchowk temple at 5 minutes. Its corpoarte office is located at Pashupati road, Kathmandu, Nepal.

More Informations

NameKalinchowk Darshan Limited
Sector Hotel and Tourism
Listed Share6,000,000.00 units
Paid upRs. 100
Paid Up CapitalRs.600,000,000.00
Phone Number +977-15913710
AddressKalinchowk, Kuri Village, Dolakha

Audited Financial Statement

Following is the major highlights of the company

Particulars “000”FY 2076/77FY 2077/78
Paid Up Capital295,000.00295,000.00
Reserve & Surplus(56,988.59)(64,458.65)
Net profit(20,790.24)(7,470.07)
Earning Per Share(7.05)(2.53)
Book Value80.6878.15
Debt-Equity (Times)0.890.88
Return on Equity (%)(0.87)(0.32)

Capital Structure

Following is the capital structure of the company:

Authorized Capital75.00 crore
Paid up Capital60.00 crore
Promoter Capital48.00 crore
General Investor Capital12.00 crore
Promoter Share80%
General Investor Capital20%

Boards of Directors

Following is the boards of directors

Mr. Bal Krishna ShiwakotiChairman
Mr. Thaneshwor BashyalDirector
Mr. Guru AdhikariDirector
Mr. Markandaya AdhikariDirector
Mr. Markandaya AdhikarDirector
Mr. Ramesh Raj ShiwakotiDirector
Mr. Rishi Kesh GauliDirector

Standard Operation Time

Sunday to Friday: 5am to 4:pm

Saturday/ holiday: 3:30 am to 4:30 pm

More Information

Address: Kalinchowk, Kuri Village, Dolakha


Phone: +977-15913710

Hence, these are the Fundamental Analysis of Kalinchowk Darshan ltd.

Other Important Links:

a. EPS of Microfinance: CLICK HERE

b. EPS of Commercial Banks: CLICK HERE

c. Top 10 Commercial banks: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question

What is the value of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited share?

= We can check the current value of Kalinchowk Darshan on NEPSE official website. As of 23rd March, 2023, the price is Rs. 139.70.

Who owns Kalinchowk cable car?

= Kalinchowk Darshan is a public company. Hence, it is own by 80% of the company by promoters and 20% by general public.

Net Profit of Kalinchowk Darshan?

= Company Has not published the recent financial statement.

EPS of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited?

= Company Has not published the recent financial statement.

Address of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited?

= Kalinchowk, Kuri Village, Dolakha is the address of kalinchowk Darshan.

Contact or Phone number of Kalinchowk Darshan Limited?

= +977-15913710 is the contact number or phone number of kalinchowk Darshan Ltd.

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